Tag Archives: hawk 250 2

Hawk 250 Back in Stock Tx Power Sports Coupon

Hey riders, just a small update on the hawk 250 out of stock issues we recently had. I Tx Power Sports Couponwas just emailed by Manny from TX Power Sports and he has let me know that the Hawk 250 dual sport bike is back in stock. Currently I think they only have the black hawk 250 in stock, please email them to confirm before ordering but I think the black one is the best color choice =).


Hawk 250 Back In Stock TX Power Sports

If you are ready to purchase your hawk 250, head over to TXPowerSports.com or click here for direct link to the hawk 250 purchase page.

Remember to enter coupon code HA250C at checkout for a small discount of your hawk 250 purchase.

Please send me a email if you have purchased your hawk 250 from TX Power Sports and let me know if you have any issues. Tx Power Sports Coupon Code


Tx Power Sports CouponPlease also note that I was told by TheRPS.net (Ricky Power Sports) that the Hawk 250 3 and the Hawk 250 2 are not from their company, they are not the company importing and distributing those hawks. It looks like other companies are trying to jump on the hawk 250 fame and make a quick buck.

It looks like the engine is exactly the same but the other parts look different and I don’t know if they are cheaper parts than the current hawk 250 has but I know my hawk 250 has been a great bike and THERPS did a good job with it.

I also heard some people ordered the Hawk 250 2 from Safer Wholesale and they had a lot of issues and delays getting the bike, I haven’t got a update if they even got their purchase yet. So please beware of buying the Hawk 250 2 and the Hawk 250 3 from Safer Wholesale or any other websites selling them.


Tx Power Sports CouponIf you are looking to buy the hawk 250 dual sport bike then I would highly recommend Tx Power Sports, that is where I got my bike and a lot of my friends and people I know online got theirs from. I haven’t heard of any issues with using TX Power Sports and I was also able to get you guys a small discount code to use on their website.

Just enter HA250C when you are on the checkout page and it will take off $25, its not a lot but it can help with your first upgrade part for your hawk 250 rps =).



Quick Hawk 250 Blog Links

If you would like to see the hawk 250 performance upgrades I did on my hawk 250 dual sport, then checkout some of the links below.

You can also read hawk 250 reviews on my blog https://hawk250.com/category/hawk-250-reviews/

Guide on Buying the Hawk 250 Dual Sport https://hawk250.com/buy-hawk-250-get-discount-code/

Hawk 250 Blog https://hawk250.com

Hawk 250 Shop http://hawk250.com/shop/

My Hawk 250 Performance Upgrades https://hawk250.com/hawk-250-rps-performance-upgrades/

Hawk 250 eBay Upgrade Links https://hawk250.com/hawk-250-upgrades-ebay/