Category Archives: Sponsor

Biking to Support the Fight for Cancer

What’s up guys, this isn’t hawk 250 related but it does have 2 wheeled ;). My girlfriend signed up for this challenge for June to do 100 miles.

Well June has been a super busy month and we left this challenge with only like a week left in June. We got the 100 miles done in 3 rides, the longest one was 60 miles in about 9 hours of riding, including breaks.

If you would like to help and donate any amount, I would highly appreciate it. I’m trying to help her out. I also did the 100 miles of biking lol. Free hawk stickers for donators, info on bottom

Donate here

This below was a fun and killer day, 60 miles of biking on the trail trail, only 5% street riding.

Thank you again for anyone who donates. I will be getting some hawk 250 stickers made soon, if you donate, please email me so I put you on the list for the free hawk 250 sticker.