Tag Archives: Hawk 250 Time Lapse Video Feb 18th Ride

Hawk 250 Time Lapse Video Feb 18th Ride

Here is a new video I just uploaded to YouTube. This is a solo ride I took on Feb 18th. I did take my girlfriend for a ride towards the end of the day because I felt bad she was home all day and I was out ripping the hawk. I want her to learn how to ride bikes and join me on my rides but the hawk 250 is a bit too tall for her and she doesn’t have health insurance so she needs something smaller to learn how to ride a motorcycle lol. At the end of the day I did over 100 miles and the hawk ran like a champ =).

Here are some random pictures from Feb 18th, ride with the hawk 250 dirt bike.

It was such a great day for a ride and I can’t wait for spring. I need to get new tires, you can see in the image below these are done. I’m 90% street riding with this dirt bike.
hawk 250

Stopped by a fellow riders house while he was working on his sprockets. If you want one of these Hawk 250 stickers, you can find them on the Zazzle Shop, click here.

hawk 250 dirt bike

hawk 250 rps

The girl looking for Pokémon while I’m trying to get a picture of my hawk 250.

hawk 250

Hitting up some Pokestops to keep the girlfriend happy for being out all day riding alone lol.

hawk 250

The hawk 250 dual sport sure is a beauty. She rides well in any weather.

hawk 250 sunsethawk 250 rps

Hawk 250 Blog https://hawk250.com

Hawk 250 Shop https://hawk250.com/shop/

My Hawk 250 Performance Upgrades https://hawk250.com/hawk-250-rps-performance-upgrades/

Hawk 250 eBay Upgrade Links https://hawk250.com/hawk-250-upgrades-ebay/

