Category Archives: Hawk 250 Videos

Hawk 250 Time Lapse Video Feb 18th Ride

Here is a new video I just uploaded to YouTube. This is a solo ride I took on Feb 18th. I did take my girlfriend for a ride towards the end of the day because I felt bad she was home all day and I was out ripping the hawk. I want her to learn how to ride bikes and join me on my rides but the hawk 250 is a bit too tall for her and she doesn’t have health insurance so she needs something smaller to learn how to ride a motorcycle lol. At the end of the day I did over 100 miles and the hawk ran like a champ =).

Here are some random pictures from Feb 18th, ride with the hawk 250 dirt bike.

It was such a great day for a ride and I can’t wait for spring. I need to get new tires, you can see in the image below these are done. I’m 90% street riding with this dirt bike.
hawk 250

Stopped by a fellow riders house while he was working on his sprockets. If you want one of these Hawk 250 stickers, you can find them on the Zazzle Shop, click here.

hawk 250 dirt bike

hawk 250 rps

The girl looking for Pokémon while I’m trying to get a picture of my hawk 250.

hawk 250

Hitting up some Pokestops to keep the girlfriend happy for being out all day riding alone lol.

hawk 250

The hawk 250 dual sport sure is a beauty. She rides well in any weather.

hawk 250 sunsethawk 250 rps

Hawk 250 Blog

Hawk 250 Shop

My Hawk 250 Performance Upgrades

Hawk 250 eBay Upgrade Links



Just Some Quick Backyard Fun with Hawk 250 Dual Sport

Short post, I was busy working on my gazebo project for the last few weeks but I missed the hawk 250 and had to take it out, this is my off road hawk and it needs some work, I didn’t check the chain and it was loose and when I hit the log the chain came off, it was a quick fix and up the hill I went.  Once I have time to clean up my yard, I will have some nice trail to ride around my house. Check the short youtube video below of my hawk 250 in action and please like and share the video. I’m trying to hit that 1000 subscribers on YouTube so they start paying me pennies again lol.

Hawk 250 Endurno Dirt Bike Tip- What Not To Do

This is a short video of me messing around and not paying attention and letting the clutch slip and way too much gas. Well I hope you enjoy the video and get a laugh out of it =). Luckily, no serious damage to the hawk 250 rps.

If you are interested in seeing all of the upgrades I did for my Hawk 250 RPS including the exhaust, click here to see the current list of upgrades on my Hawk 250 and links to purchase them for your bike.

If you are looking to shop for some parts to upgrade your hawk 250 rps, please visit our store by Hawk 250 Store.

June 14th 2018 30 Minute Ride

Just a quick post to share my hawk 250 ride back from June 14th, it was a beautiful day for a ride. The video below is about 30 mins of straight riding solo on my hawk 250 dual sport bike. It ran great and no issues, other then a few days later when I noticed my hawk sounding bad and it was due to a loose exhaust header connection bolts, so always MAKE sure to check your bolts and nuts. I’m so happy it was a simple fix and my hawk is on the road sounding and running great.

Hawk 250 June 14th 2018 30 Minute Ride Video

Whisper MotoCheez to Rescue

What’s up guys, I feel like a total noob lol. I have been busy the last month doing yard working and building a gazebo for my bday party, which was on June 16th.

During that time my Kia Sportage also had issues with oil leaking ;). The pan rusted and started dripping oil. So during that time I had to use my hawk 250 for supplies and I got lazy at checking stuff.

I noticed about 3 rides back that my bike started sounding really bad and I was thinking the valves or pistons was messed up.

I posted a video last night of the noise and fire coming out of the exhaust.

I sent my buddy motocheez a message and his first guess was the header bolts broke off or loose. This morning I checked and sure enough he was right.

I was so busy working and lazy to check the bike when it was cool. I would only look into the issue after running the bike and then the exhaust was hot and I couldn’t even touch it.

Anyway big shoutout to motocheez, a great guy and nice having him in the hawk community.

Hawk 250 back to life YouTube video below


Two Hawk 250 Owners Cursing 40 Miles Hudson Valley

Here are two short videos from our recent ride. We had the black and blue hawk 250 on the streets pinned to the max for most of the ride. They handled great as always. We just froze our asses off since it was only 40 out and as we got higher in the mountains it just got colder.

I will be uploading more footage from this ride over the next few days.

This is a time lapse video of the two hawk 250 dual sport bikes in action. The video is only about 4minutes. It shows the 40 mile ride to our buddies house who owns the red hawk 250. His baby won’t start right now, we are thinking its the stator and he is waiting to order one

This is a short clip of a dead end we hit with the hawk 250. We hit a seasonal road, which was about 2 miles long, we were tired and cold and I didn’t want to go down being 30 miles from the house. So we had to turn around and found another way home. I have a second hawk that I will be using for situation like these, where I won’t worry about dropping it since it will be just for off-raoding.

If you would like to see the upgrades I did on my hawk 250, please click here to visit the hawk 250 shop

Recent YouTube Uploads of My Hawk 250

These are some videos I recently uploaded to my YouTube channel. Thank you for all your support and comments you leave on my website and social media accounts. I started this blog when I got my hawk back in Dec 2015 and I never thought it would get this big and that I would meet so many other hawk 250 owners =).  Email me if you have any questions about my blog or my hawk 250 dual sport bike.

This was a recent ride I did in Feb, it was a nice day and went out for a cruise. I found a seasonal road and it was very slippery with the stock hawk 250 tires and the amount of thread life I have on them but I still went for it, I got up the hill but very slowly lol.

This is another seasonal road by my house that I like ride. This day it was very wet and muddy and again with the stock tires I had issues. I need to save up some money and get a new set of tires soon for my hawk 250.

Some clips from my iPhone of me messing around on my driveway in the snow.

This was from anther ride when I had another hawk rider with me, it was the blue hawk 250. This rider isn’t a fan of riding in the snow, so we had to turn around and I was glad because I wasn’t’ ready to go down lol. We were about 40 miles from my house and I didn’t want to get stuck

75 Mile Dual Sport Ride With Girlfriend around The Catskills

On June 19th 2018, the girlfriend and I went for a nice long ride around the Catskills NY historic towns, we did about 75 miles in about an hour and half of straight riding.

I couldn’t be more happier with my hawk 250 dual sport, the girlfriend and I must have done over 1000 miles of riding together. We haven’t had any real serious issues other than that one time when we got a flat due to one of the spokes cracking and puncturing the tire. I’m coming close to 5000 miles on my bike and no serious issues with the engine or any expensive parts. Only thing I have been replacing is silly stuff I have been breaking like bolts, mirrors, sprocket covers and other small stuff.

Hawk 250 Full 75 Mile Ride With Girl YouTube Video

My hawks battery is still dead and the kickstarter is acting up, so I didn’t shut the hawk off at all during the 75 mile ride and she did great.

I had some issues the day before and it was all due to a loose exhaust header connection, I got lazy with checking the bolts and I learned my lesson. Thanks again to MotoCheez for the quick suggestion.

The video below is only 4 mins, something happened with the rendering of the video. I will re-upload the full raw video for anyone that wants proof of what the hawk can do =), as you will see in the video I think I only stopped at 1 light and a handful of stop signs, it was nothing but riding and mostly in 4th gear doing 45 to 55 with my girl on the back.

Hawk 250 Dual Sport Riding with Girlfriend 75 Miles – 4 Minute Messed up video


Doing Oil Change on Hawk 250 Dual Sport

Another short post on doing oil change on hawk 250 dual sport. I did this the same day I changed my tires to the new Shinko 244 set, click here to read that post on installing the shinko 244 tires.

Changing the oil on the hawk 250 is very quick and easy and cheap. I think a quart ranges from $3 to $6 depending on the one you get. I show which oil I get for my hawk 250 in the pictures below. You can also see the video I uploaded to YouTube on changing the hawk 250 oil and the quick process.

Hawk 250 Doing Oil Change on Hawk 250 Dual Sport Doing Oil Change on Hawk 250 Dual Sport

Doing Oil Change on Hawk 250 Dual Sport Video

Quick Hawk 250 Blog Links

If you would like to see the hawk 250 performance upgrades I did on my hawk 250 dual sport, then checkout some of the links below.

You can also read hawk 250 reviews on my blog

Guide on Buying the Hawk 250 Dual Sport

Hawk 250 Blog

Hawk 250 Shop

My Hawk 250 Performance Upgrades

Hawk 250 eBay Upgrade Links


June 24th 30 Mile Ride with Dual Sport and Girlfriend Video

Quick post hawk riders, I recently uploaded 3 YouTube videos on my channel from our bike ride on June 24th 2018, we did a bit over 30 miles and it was a great time, as always.

About 10-15 minutes into the ride, I heard some noise and found a trail entrance, when we went in we found bunch of ATV and dirt bikers ripping it up in the sand and gravel. The girlfriend didn’t want no part of the off-roading lol, so I will need to come back with with another buddy and get some better video of the quarry and trails.

My hawk 250 is maybe 400 to 500 miles before it hits 5000 miles (I’m guessing because I don’t know the exact mileage on my stock cluster, it was a bit over a thousand miles). I will be doing a hawk 250 5000 mile review real soon. I haven’t had any major issues yet.

Hawk 250 YouTube Videos, below you will find the 3 different uploads. Please share and like if you would like to help me build up my YouTube channel, I appreciate it.

This video shows the off-road/trail we found while riding the hawk 250.

This video is showcasing my new hawk 250 spoke skins I recently purchased. You can get yours from the hawk shop, click here see my video on installing the spoke protectors

This is the street riding part of the ride on June 24th, like always its very scenic views when riding around the Catskills. A lot of empty resorts from the 40s as you can see in the middle of the video.