Tag Archives: hawk 250 dirt bikes

First Hawk 250 Ride This Season

It was a beautiful Sunday day in the Catskills. I decided to check on the hawk 250 to she if she will start up. Last time I turned it on was on Feb but didn’t really ride it, just changed the oil.

The hawk battery was dead but I was able to get it started with the kickstarter in about 2 and half minutes. Check the video on my hawk_250 instagram account.

I had to fill up the air in the tires and do a quick maintenance before the ride.I took a nice 20 mile ride around the Catskills and froze my ass off lol. It was about 40 but with the wind it felt like 20s and I only had a light jacket and jeans. But it was still fun riding the hawk 250 on the open roads.

The roads were full of sand from all the dumping the trucks did during the winter and I could feel the hawk wanting to slip and slide lol

That’s the only update for today. Checkout some pictures from today’s playtime with the hawk 250 dual sport.

Some rice and beans after the ride. Then I gave hawk 250 a quick rinse to get the salt and sand off.

The above image show my JBWeld on the gas tank valve. It started leaking last summer and I didn’t have a welder so this seems to be working. Not a deal breaker for me, I still love my hawk 250.

Back Yard Fun During Gazebo Build

Whats up hawk 250 familia, just a quick post on some new YouTube videos I uploaded from todays quick session on the hawk 250 while working in my backyard.

Once I clean it all up, I will mount my action camera and get some proper videos of the hawk ripping up some dirt. If you like the videos and would like to help, please LIKE and Share. I’m trying to hit that 1000 subscribers, YouTube cut my pennies since I only have 500+ subscribers.

And Second Video from the same day of the hawk 250 in action. The below video is a quick ride with my girl on the back and she wanted to get off real quick haha.

In case you missed some of these other recent videos I uploaded on Hawk 250 YouTube.

This video below is a good one, recently I made it so you can see the eBay and Amazon prices for the hawk 250 parts and upgrades for sale. When you click on any product in the Hawk 250 Shop, on the top you will see the Amazon item and under it you will see the eBay price.

Two Hawk 250 Owners Cursing 40 Miles Hudson Valley

Here are two short videos from our recent ride. We had the black and blue hawk 250 on the streets pinned to the max for most of the ride. They handled great as always. We just froze our asses off since it was only 40 out and as we got higher in the mountains it just got colder.

I will be uploading more footage from this ride over the next few days.

This is a time lapse video of the two hawk 250 dual sport bikes in action. The video is only about 4minutes. It shows the 40 mile ride to our buddies house who owns the red hawk 250. His baby won’t start right now, we are thinking its the stator and he is waiting to order one

This is a short clip of a dead end we hit with the hawk 250. We hit a seasonal road, which was about 2 miles long, we were tired and cold and I didn’t want to go down being 30 miles from the house. So we had to turn around and found another way home. I have a second hawk that I will be using for situation like these, where I won’t worry about dropping it since it will be just for off-raoding.

If you would like to see the upgrades I did on my hawk 250, please click here to visit the hawk 250 shop

Hawk 250 RPS 100 Mile Review Video by MotoCheez

This video review was done by MotoCheez. He has done a great job reviewing the Hawk 250 RPS Enduro dirt bike so far and has a lot of how to videos. I will be posting them on here also for you guys to easily find them. Please make sure to subscribe to MotoCheeze’s youtube channel and like his videos after watching.

If you are interested in seeing all of the upgrades I did for my Hawk 250 RPS including the exhaust, click here to see the current list of upgrades on my Hawk 250 and links to purchase them for your bike.

Please comment below if you own a Hawk 250 and have at least 100 miles. Give us your experiences so far with the Hawk 250 RPS Enduro dirt bike.