Recent YouTube Uploads of My Hawk 250

Recent YouTube Uploads of My Hawk 250

These are some videos I recently uploaded to my YouTube channel. Thank you for all your support and comments you leave on my website and social media accounts. I started this blog when I got my hawk back in Dec 2015 and I never thought it would get this big and that I would meet so many other hawk 250 owners =).  Email me if you have any questions about my blog or my hawk 250 dual sport bike.

This was a recent ride I did in Feb, it was a nice day and went out for a cruise. I found a seasonal road and it was very slippery with the stock hawk 250 tires and the amount of thread life I have on them but I still went for it, I got up the hill but very slowly lol.

This is another seasonal road by my house that I like ride. This day it was very wet and muddy and again with the stock tires I had issues. I need to save up some money and get a new set of tires soon for my hawk 250.

Some clips from my iPhone of me messing around on my driveway in the snow.

This was from anther ride when I had another hawk rider with me, it was the blue hawk 250. This rider isn’t a fan of riding in the snow, so we had to turn around and I was glad because I wasn’t’ ready to go down lol. We were about 40 miles from my house and I didn’t want to get stuck

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