Here is a new video I just uploaded to YouTube. This is a solo ride I took on Feb 18th. I did take my girlfriend for a ride towards the end of the day because I felt bad she was home all day and I was out ripping the hawk. I want her to learn how to ride bikes and join me on my rides but the hawk 250 is a bit too tall for her and she doesn’t have health insurance so she needs something smaller to learn how to ride a motorcycle lol. At the end of the day I did over 100 miles and the hawk ran like a champ =).
Here are some random pictures from Feb 18th, ride with the hawk 250 dirt bike.
It was such a great day for a ride and I can’t wait for spring. I need to get new tires, you can see in the image below these are done. I’m 90% street riding with this dirt bike.
Stopped by a fellow riders house while he was working on his sprockets. If you want one of these Hawk 250 stickers, you can find them on the Zazzle Shop, click here.
The girl looking for Pokémon while I’m trying to get a picture of my hawk 250.
Hitting up some Pokestops to keep the girlfriend happy for being out all day riding alone lol.
The hawk 250 dual sport sure is a beauty. She rides well in any weather.
This is my first time changing a tube on my Hawk 250. This really the first time I ever changed a tire =). I was very proud at the end of the day, it was a learning process but the next one will be much quicker.
I got my Shinko 244 tires in the mail today and I will be changing those sometime next week. Here is a picture of them next to my current tires.
First Time Changing Tube Hawk 250 Video
Thanks for watching and liking the video. If you have any questions about the hawk 250, please email me. I don’t work for the RPS company nor am I expert on this bike, but I will help you as much as I can.
Hey riders, just a small update on the hawk 250 out of stock issues we recently had. I was just emailed by Manny from TX Power Sports and he has let me know that the Hawk 250 dual sport bike is back in stock. Currently I think they only have the black hawk 250 in stock, please email them to confirm before ordering but I think the black one is the best color choice =).
Hawk 250 Back In Stock TX Power Sports
If you are ready to purchase your hawk 250, head over to or click here for direct link to the hawk 250 purchase page.
Remember to enter coupon code HA250C at checkout for a small discount of your hawk 250 purchase.
Please send me a email if you have purchased your hawk 250 from TX Power Sports and let me know if you have any issues.
Please also note that I was told by (Ricky Power Sports) that the Hawk 250 3 and the Hawk 250 2 are not from their company, they are not the company importing and distributing those hawks. It looks like other companies are trying to jump on the hawk 250 fame and make a quick buck.
It looks like the engine is exactly the same but the other parts look different and I don’t know if they are cheaper parts than the current hawk 250 has but I know my hawk 250 has been a great bike and THERPS did a good job with it.
I also heard some people ordered the Hawk 250 2 from Safer Wholesale and they had a lot of issues and delays getting the bike, I haven’t got a update if they even got their purchase yet. So please beware of buying the Hawk 250 2 and the Hawk 250 3 from Safer Wholesale or any other websites selling them.
If you are looking to buy the hawk 250 dual sport bike then I would highly recommend Tx Power Sports, that is where I got my bike and a lot of my friends and people I know online got theirs from. I haven’t heard of any issues with using TX Power Sports and I was also able to get you guys a small discount code to use on their website.
Just enter HA250C when you are on the checkout page and it will take off $25, its not a lot but it can help with your first upgrade part for your hawk 250 rps =).
Quick Hawk 250 Blog Links
If you would like to see the hawk 250 performance upgrades I did on my hawk 250 dual sport, then checkout some of the links below.
Whats up fellow hawk 250 owners. Recently I have been seeing new hawk 250 bikes come with a sticker using my Hawk 250 logo that I had created for this website. I didn’t give anyone permission to use my logo for those stickers. I contacted Ricky Power Sports and they said they are not using my logo. I’m wondering if its another dealership. Its not cool that they didn’t even at least contact me to work something out. I have spent a lot of time on the logo design and building this website to spread the word about the hawk 250.
The logo below doesn’t below to Hawk 250 RPS, this is a logo I had my designer build for this website and if anyone wants to use my logo, they should contact me to work something out. Thank you.
Here are some links to the hawk 250 upgrades I did on my bike.
Whats ups hawkers, I had a few people email me about the skid plate I have shown in the hawk 250 shop, I haven’t been able to purchase this item for my hawk yet, waiting for the budget to allow it. A very helpful user from our hawk facebook page was nice enough to take his skid plate setup off to show us some pictures of the setup and what you will need to do to make this work, this is a very simple modification.
Its not a direct bolt on, but as you can see its very easy to make it work and I’m sure there is 100 different ways to mount it and make it work, so if you don’t mind tinkering with your hawk then this should be very doable for you.
I will also be doing a video and guide on the hawk 250 skid plate once I order it. Below are all images from o Brian L from our Facebook Group, click here to join.
Specs on what you will need to mount the hawk 250 skid plate
Hardware. Two 1/4 by 2.5″ long bolts. One 1/4 by 1 3/4″ bolt. Some washers, lock washers or just use nyloc nuts on all 3 bolts.
Orange washers in pic come with the skid plate hardware.
Brackets are 1″ aluminum. 1/4″ thick so it wouldn’t bend when tightened down. Front bracket is 6.5″ long. Back is 4.25″ long. Aluminum bar stock should be available at virtually any hardware store as well as all bolts. Mine was scrap I had laying around so Used what I had.
Slightly bigger than 1/4″ holes drilled in front bar. Holes are 2 1/8″ apart from center to center of hole.
Bolts pass through the skid plate and bracket with the frame sandwiched in between.
Back bracket rests in small v section under frame and merely tightened up the bolt until skid plate didn’t move anymore.
Removal was a lot easier than I expected. Merely removed front bolts and bracket and slid plate forward until back bracket slid off the V section under the frame. Took longer to move bike away from my bench and get tools out than removing the plate.
Whats up hawk 250 familia, just a quick post on some new YouTube videos I uploaded from todays quick session on the hawk 250 while working in my backyard.
Once I clean it all up, I will mount my action camera and get some proper videos of the hawk ripping up some dirt. If you like the videos and would like to help, please LIKE and Share. I’m trying to hit that 1000 subscribers, YouTube cut my pennies since I only have 500+ subscribers.
And Second Video from the same day of the hawk 250 in action. The below video is a quick ride with my girl on the back and she wanted to get off real quick haha.
In case you missed some of these other recent videos I uploaded on Hawk 250 YouTube.
This video below is a good one, recently I made it so you can see the eBay and Amazon prices for the hawk 250 parts and upgrades for sale. When you click on any product in the Hawk 250 Shop, on the top you will see the Amazon item and under it you will see the eBay price.
Here is another hawk 250 enduro review, this one today comes from a cool dude I met on instagram. Please find his review below.
Hawk 250 Enduro Review by Tommy D
My Name is Tommy D
I purchased my Hawk in June of 2016 From 360 power sports in Texas. I payed $1300 Shipped to my door. I never Road a bike before this is first one. So far I read up on it and everything I needed to do to upgrade it to be a little better performance was pretty good. As Soon as i got the Bike Within a week I bought a 16T front Sprocket, Put upgraded carburetor on it, Put LED Rear lights, Hand Guards, Upgraded Shift Lever, NEW OIL INSTANTLY 15w40. I do get some valve tapping And Tried to adjust them down to .03 and .04 But they still tap. I think it’s Just the Bike. It doesn’t cause any performance. Putting the Upgraded CARB AND SPROCKET is a MUST. best thing I did to bike Honestly.
I haven’t had ANY Major issues with Bike EXCEPT the Bike Sucks Trying to Get INTO NEUTRAL. I’m 280lbs stocky guy and with all upgrades and thing’s i have added i still get to 60mph and it has very good Low end Torque. FOR the price of this Bike and probably $100 TO START in upgrades You can’t beat it.. When u get more into the Bike you Can do more Upgrades like exhaust for $160 and digital odometer $100. Over All Amazing Bike and I would recommend this bike for a Beginner or someone who don’t have a lot of money to get a Name brand.
Hawk 250 Dual Sport Pictures
End of Tommy’s Hawk 250 Enduro Review
If you have any questions about this post, please feel free to contact me. I’m no expect mechanic but I will do my best to help you out if you have any questions on how I did it.
Here are some other Hawk 250 upgrades I have done on my hawk 250 dual sport. Each link below will open in a new window. you can click here to visit my hawk 250 shop and add all of the items to your cart and checkout to amazon. If you click any of my amazon links on the website and buy something within 24hours then I will get a small commission from amazon and I appreciate your support and for using my links.
If I can help you with any of these upgrades or questions you might have about the hawk 250, please email me or contact me on my social media accounts.
Click Image to Load to Purchase your Hawk 250
What’s up fellow hawk 250 owners and future ones. Sorry for not updating this blog as much as I should, I just have been super busy with work that I haven’t had a chance to keep the blog updated with my hawk 250 content. My hawk is still going strong and every time I get on it, I have a great time riding in the Catskills. Some information on my hawk 250, I purchased my hawk in Dec 2015.
I couldn’t find any information on the hawks online, there wasn’t as many videos and blogs as there is now =). We ended up ordering 3 of them, my cousin, buddy and I got one. We ordered the black, red and blue hawk 250cc dual sports. I have now ordered 7 hawks for buddies from the website and they haven’t had any issues with their orders. I always recommend paying for the expedited shipping offer if you are looking to get it as fast as possible.
Purchasing Hawk 250
If you are ready to purchase your hawk 250, click here and it will take you to and make sure on checkout to enter the code HA250C to get your small discount for your purchase.
Some information on This blog isn’t run by the distributors of the hawk 250. This is a personal blog I started when my buddies and I got our hawk 250 dual sport bikes and I wanted to share our experience with the dirt bikes and the mods and upgrades we did to them. The best way to find information on this blog is to use the Search on the top. If you search “Exhausts” for example you will find all the blog posts I did about the hawk 250 exhaust upgrade.
Hawk 250 Upgrades
The good thing about the hawk 250 dual sport bike is that the upgrades are fairly priced. The most expensive thing I purchased was the exhaust for $160 but it was worth every penny. I also see TX Power Sports sells hawk 250 replacement parts and that is a good sign that you can get original hawk 250 parts also if you need.
My hawk 250 is around the 4800 mile range and it’s still running strong. I haven’t had any major issues with it. This bike does require a bit more upkeep so you don’t break down. So I only recommend these bikes to people who like working with their hands and getting them dirty.
If you just like to sit on the bike, turn it on and go every day without ever checking the bolts, nuts, wiring etc.. then this bike isn’t for you.
This bike is so easy to take apart and go over everything, I enjoy taking the time checking everything on the hawk in the garage with a few beers and some music. If you treat her right, she will ride you forever =).
Quick Hawk 250 Blog Links
If you would like to see the hawk 250 performance upgrades I did on my hawk 250 dual sport, then checkout some of the links below.
Another great tip and video done by MotoCheez. This will help your Hawk 250 RPS dual sport bike breath and run better. Please make sure to like and share the video if this has helped you. If you don’t have a Dremel to cut out the plastics, you can just use pliers and bend it back and forth, it will snap right off. If you have any questions please contact me and I will do my best to help you out.
My hawk 250 upgrades, I have new sprockets, carb with new jets, new exhaust, new chain and digital cluster. If you are looking to buy the upgrades I have, you can purchase them from my shop, click here for hawk 250 upgrades
Just a quick post to share my hawk 250 ride back from June 14th, it was a beautiful day for a ride. The video below is about 30 mins of straight riding solo on my hawk 250 dual sport bike. It ran great and no issues, other then a few days later when I noticed my hawk sounding bad and it was due to a loose exhaust header connection bolts, so always MAKE sure to check your bolts and nuts. I’m so happy it was a simple fix and my hawk is on the road sounding and running great.