It was a beautiful Sunday day in the Catskills. I decided to check on the hawk 250 to she if she will start up. Last time I turned it on was on Feb but didn’t really ride it, just changed the oil.
The hawk battery was dead but I was able to get it started with the kickstarter in about 2 and half minutes. Check the video on my hawk_250 instagram account.
I had to fill up the air in the tires and do a quick maintenance before the ride.I took a nice 20 mile ride around the Catskills and froze my ass off lol. It was about 40 but with the wind it felt like 20s and I only had a light jacket and jeans. But it was still fun riding the hawk 250 on the open roads.
The roads were full of sand from all the dumping the trucks did during the winter and I could feel the hawk wanting to slip and slide lol
That’s the only update for today. Checkout some pictures from today’s playtime with the hawk 250 dual sport.
Some rice and beans after the ride. Then I gave hawk 250 a quick rinse to get the salt and sand off.
The above image show my JBWeld on the gas tank valve. It started leaking last summer and I didn’t have a welder so this seems to be working. Not a deal breaker for me, I still love my hawk 250.
Hey riders, just a small update on the hawk 250 out of stock issues we recently had. I was just emailed by Manny from TX Power Sports and he has let me know that the Hawk 250 dual sport bike is back in stock. Currently I think they only have the black hawk 250 in stock, please email them to confirm before ordering but I think the black one is the best color choice =).
Hawk 250 Back In Stock TX Power Sports
If you are ready to purchase your hawk 250, head over to or click here for direct link to the hawk 250 purchase page.
Remember to enter coupon code HA250C at checkout for a small discount of your hawk 250 purchase.
Please send me a email if you have purchased your hawk 250 from TX Power Sports and let me know if you have any issues.
Please also note that I was told by (Ricky Power Sports) that the Hawk 250 3 and the Hawk 250 2 are not from their company, they are not the company importing and distributing those hawks. It looks like other companies are trying to jump on the hawk 250 fame and make a quick buck.
It looks like the engine is exactly the same but the other parts look different and I don’t know if they are cheaper parts than the current hawk 250 has but I know my hawk 250 has been a great bike and THERPS did a good job with it.
I also heard some people ordered the Hawk 250 2 from Safer Wholesale and they had a lot of issues and delays getting the bike, I haven’t got a update if they even got their purchase yet. So please beware of buying the Hawk 250 2 and the Hawk 250 3 from Safer Wholesale or any other websites selling them.
If you are looking to buy the hawk 250 dual sport bike then I would highly recommend Tx Power Sports, that is where I got my bike and a lot of my friends and people I know online got theirs from. I haven’t heard of any issues with using TX Power Sports and I was also able to get you guys a small discount code to use on their website.
Just enter HA250C when you are on the checkout page and it will take off $25, its not a lot but it can help with your first upgrade part for your hawk 250 rps =).
Quick Hawk 250 Blog Links
If you would like to see the hawk 250 performance upgrades I did on my hawk 250 dual sport, then checkout some of the links below.
Whats up hawk owners, I did some upgrading to the store, when you go to and click on any of the products. On the top you will see the Amazon price and if its in stock. On the bottom you will see the eBay prices and if its in stock. Just compare the amazon and ebay item to make sure its the same one and you are set, once in a while ebay puts in a item that might be different, so it just helps to double check. Here is a quick video I made showing how to find the eBay and Amazon Links
Whats up hawk 250 familia, just a quick post on some new YouTube videos I uploaded from todays quick session on the hawk 250 while working in my backyard.
Once I clean it all up, I will mount my action camera and get some proper videos of the hawk ripping up some dirt. If you like the videos and would like to help, please LIKE and Share. I’m trying to hit that 1000 subscribers, YouTube cut my pennies since I only have 500+ subscribers.
And Second Video from the same day of the hawk 250 in action. The below video is a quick ride with my girl on the back and she wanted to get off real quick haha.
In case you missed some of these other recent videos I uploaded on Hawk 250 YouTube.
This video below is a good one, recently I made it so you can see the eBay and Amazon prices for the hawk 250 parts and upgrades for sale. When you click on any product in the Hawk 250 Shop, on the top you will see the Amazon item and under it you will see the eBay price.
Click Image to Load to Purchase your Hawk 250
What’s up fellow hawk 250 owners and future ones. Sorry for not updating this blog as much as I should, I just have been super busy with work that I haven’t had a chance to keep the blog updated with my hawk 250 content. My hawk is still going strong and every time I get on it, I have a great time riding in the Catskills. Some information on my hawk 250, I purchased my hawk in Dec 2015.
I couldn’t find any information on the hawks online, there wasn’t as many videos and blogs as there is now =). We ended up ordering 3 of them, my cousin, buddy and I got one. We ordered the black, red and blue hawk 250cc dual sports. I have now ordered 7 hawks for buddies from the website and they haven’t had any issues with their orders. I always recommend paying for the expedited shipping offer if you are looking to get it as fast as possible.
Purchasing Hawk 250
If you are ready to purchase your hawk 250, click here and it will take you to and make sure on checkout to enter the code HA250C to get your small discount for your purchase.
Some information on This blog isn’t run by the distributors of the hawk 250. This is a personal blog I started when my buddies and I got our hawk 250 dual sport bikes and I wanted to share our experience with the dirt bikes and the mods and upgrades we did to them. The best way to find information on this blog is to use the Search on the top. If you search “Exhausts” for example you will find all the blog posts I did about the hawk 250 exhaust upgrade.
Hawk 250 Upgrades
The good thing about the hawk 250 dual sport bike is that the upgrades are fairly priced. The most expensive thing I purchased was the exhaust for $160 but it was worth every penny. I also see TX Power Sports sells hawk 250 replacement parts and that is a good sign that you can get original hawk 250 parts also if you need.
My hawk 250 is around the 4800 mile range and it’s still running strong. I haven’t had any major issues with it. This bike does require a bit more upkeep so you don’t break down. So I only recommend these bikes to people who like working with their hands and getting them dirty.
If you just like to sit on the bike, turn it on and go every day without ever checking the bolts, nuts, wiring etc.. then this bike isn’t for you.
This bike is so easy to take apart and go over everything, I enjoy taking the time checking everything on the hawk in the garage with a few beers and some music. If you treat her right, she will ride you forever =).
Quick Hawk 250 Blog Links
If you would like to see the hawk 250 performance upgrades I did on my hawk 250 dual sport, then checkout some of the links below.
What’s up fellow hawk 250 owners. Sorry for being a ghost but work has been super busy and that pays the bills so I been focusing on that. Last time I had the chance to ride my hawk 250 was back in October.
Couple days ago I decided to make some time for my hawk 250 to change the oil. It’s been sitting for a while. I normally like to change my oil every 300 to 500 miles since it’s cheap to change.
The battery on the hawk was dead like always because I’m lazy to install one of those trickle charges or whatever it’s called lol.
But my hawk 250 loves me and she always starts up with the kickstart, sometimes she turns on quick and sometimes she needs more loving.
I got the oil changed but didn’t really get a chance to ride it. Most of the air from the tires was gone and I wanted to do a full checkup of bolts, wires and screws before doing any riding.
Here are some pictures from that day. Hopefully I will find more free time to update this blog for you guys. Sorry if I don’t get back to everyone on emails, you can always try me on instagram or facebooo.
She is filthy from all the woodworking I have been doing in the garage. She needs a nice wash.
I did have a issue at the end of the summer when my gas tank started leaking at the valve. My jb weld is still going strong.
On June 19th 2018, the girlfriend and I went for a nice long ride around the Catskills NY historic towns, we did about 75 miles in about an hour and half of straight riding.
I couldn’t be more happier with my hawk 250 dual sport, the girlfriend and I must have done over 1000 miles of riding together. We haven’t had any real serious issues other than that one time when we got a flat due to one of the spokes cracking and puncturing the tire. I’m coming close to 5000 miles on my bike and no serious issues with the engine or any expensive parts. Only thing I have been replacing is silly stuff I have been breaking like bolts, mirrors, sprocket covers and other small stuff.
Hawk 250 Full 75 Mile Ride With Girl YouTube Video
My hawks battery is still dead and the kickstarter is acting up, so I didn’t shut the hawk off at all during the 75 mile ride and she did great.
I had some issues the day before and it was all due to a loose exhaust header connection, I got lazy with checking the bolts and I learned my lesson. Thanks again to MotoCheez for the quick suggestion.
The video below is only 4 mins, something happened with the rendering of the video. I will re-upload the full raw video for anyone that wants proof of what the hawk can do =), as you will see in the video I think I only stopped at 1 light and a handful of stop signs, it was nothing but riding and mostly in 4th gear doing 45 to 55 with my girl on the back.
Hawk 250 Dual Sport Riding with Girlfriend 75 Miles – 4 Minute Messed up video
Just a quick reminder for anyone looking to purchase a hawk 250 dual sport enduro bike. I secured a discount code from for your hawk 250. Its not big, only $25 but I say any money saved is money saved. I do recommend upgrading to the rush order package, I know I hate waiting and I paid the extra fee to get it shipped faster. I got my hawk in less than a week with the MSO. The video below shows how to enter the HA250C discount code at checkout.
You also have the option to get a line of credit from for your hawk 250. Click here to visit the hawk 250 sales page on Tx Power Sports
Whats up hawk 250 riders. I found a online website to help with shirts and different clothing merchandise. For me to order bunch of different sizes and colors, I would go bankrupt. So this is much easier I think and you get to customize the product anyway you like. Click here to order a shirt.
This video shows how you can edit any product to move the logo around or resize it before you make a purchase.
If you purchase a shirt from my website, please email me and share your pictures.