75 Mile Dual Sport Ride With Girlfriend around The Catskills

75 Mile Dual Sport Ride With Girlfriend around The Catskills

On June 19th 2018, the girlfriend and I went for a nice long ride around the Catskills NY historic towns, we did about 75 miles in about an hour and half of straight riding.

I couldn’t be more happier with my hawk 250 dual sport, the girlfriend and I must have done over 1000 miles of riding together. We haven’t had any real serious issues other than that one time when we got a flat due to one of the spokes cracking and puncturing the tire. I’m coming close to 5000 miles on my bike and no serious issues with the engine or any expensive parts. Only thing I have been replacing is silly stuff I have been breaking like bolts, mirrors, sprocket covers and other small stuff.

Hawk 250 Full 75 Mile Ride With Girl YouTube Video

My hawks battery is still dead and the kickstarter is acting up, so I didn’t shut the hawk off at all during the 75 mile ride and she did great.

I had some issues the day before and it was all due to a loose exhaust header connection, I got lazy with checking the bolts and I learned my lesson. Thanks again to MotoCheez for the quick suggestion.

The video below is only 4 mins, something happened with the rendering of the video. I will re-upload the full raw video for anyone that wants proof of what the hawk can do =), as you will see in the video I think I only stopped at 1 light and a handful of stop signs, it was nothing but riding and mostly in 4th gear doing 45 to 55 with my girl on the back.

Hawk 250 Dual Sport Riding with Girlfriend 75 Miles – 4 Minute Messed up video


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