I have noticed a few hawk 250 bike owners purchasing these hand brush guards for their hawk 250 dual sport. If you own one of these TMS hand brush guards please comment in the section below this post and let us know how they are. They are fairly priced and I think I will be ordering the black set for my hawk and I will update this post with my install pictures. If you have these brands or any other hand brush guards that fit on the hawk 250, please email us your picture and we will add it to our website and link back to you.
Some specs on the TMS Dual Sport Dirt Bike Aluminum Inside Hand Brush Guards.
Will fit most stock 7/8″ steel handlebar, RENTHAL, PROTAPER, ANSWER handle bars.
If you would like to purchase these guards for your hawk 250, you can click on the image below to be taken to our amazon affiliate store with the links to buy that product. If you would like to see the full Hawk 250 Hand Brush Guards & Grips category, click here.
Hawk 250 TMS Hand Brush Guards Carbon Color
Hawk 250 TMS Hand Brush Guards White Color
Hawk 250 TMS Hand Brush Guards Carbon Blue
Hawk 250 TMS Hand Brush Guards Carbon Red
Hawk 250 TMS Hand Brush Guards Black Color
I will be ordering the black TMS hand brush guard for my hawk 250 bike very soon and I will provide pictures of my install and quick guide. If you have a review on this product, please share it in the comments section below so other users can see them.
My hawk 250 upgrades, I have new sprockets, carb with new jets, new exhaust, new chain and digital cluster. If you are looking to buy the upgrades I have, you can purchase them from my shop, click here for hawk 250 upgrades
A few days ago I got the MSR black steel shift lever Hawk 250 in the mail while I was grilling some chicken wing. After the wings I went downstairs to my garage and installed the MSR shift lever in a few minutes on the Hawk 250. It went on pretty easily without any issues. You need to remove the bolt before putting the shift lever on, or you will have trouble pushing it on the gear shaft. If you would like to purchase this MSR shift lever for your hawk, click here or the image below (new window will open).
Grilling some quick chicken wings on this great fall day with a nice view of some fall leaves colors.
Remember to remove the bolt on the shift lever before putting it on, it will go on a lot smoother.
I didn’t compare it with the stock hawk 250 shift lever but it looks longer and 100% times better. I will take some pictures later and update this post. The model number for the MSR black steel shift lever Hawk 250 is 07-0709.
Here are some other Hawk 250 upgrades I have done on my friends hawks 250 and mines. Each link below will open in a new window. you can click here to visit my hawk 250 shop and add all of the items to your cart and checkout to amazon. If you click any of my amazon links on the website and buy something within 24hours then I will get a small commission from amazon and I appreciate your support and for using my links.
If I can help you with any of these upgrades or questions you might have about the hawk 250, please email me or contact me on my social media accounts.
Whats ups hawkers, I had a few people email me about the skid plate I have shown in the hawk 250 shop, I haven’t been able to purchase this item for my hawk yet, waiting for the budget to allow it. A very helpful user from our hawk facebook page was nice enough to take his skid plate setup off to show us some pictures of the setup and what you will need to do to make this work, this is a very simple modification.
Its not a direct bolt on, but as you can see its very easy to make it work and I’m sure there is 100 different ways to mount it and make it work, so if you don’t mind tinkering with your hawk then this should be very doable for you.
I will also be doing a video and guide on the hawk 250 skid plate once I order it. Below are all images from o Brian L from our Facebook Group, click here to join.
Specs on what you will need to mount the hawk 250 skid plate
Hardware. Two 1/4 by 2.5″ long bolts. One 1/4 by 1 3/4″ bolt. Some washers, lock washers or just use nyloc nuts on all 3 bolts.
Orange washers in pic come with the skid plate hardware.
Brackets are 1″ aluminum. 1/4″ thick so it wouldn’t bend when tightened down. Front bracket is 6.5″ long. Back is 4.25″ long. Aluminum bar stock should be available at virtually any hardware store as well as all bolts. Mine was scrap I had laying around so Used what I had.
Slightly bigger than 1/4″ holes drilled in front bar. Holes are 2 1/8″ apart from center to center of hole.
Bolts pass through the skid plate and bracket with the frame sandwiched in between.
Back bracket rests in small v section under frame and merely tightened up the bolt until skid plate didn’t move anymore.
Removal was a lot easier than I expected. Merely removed front bolts and bracket and slid plate forward until back bracket slid off the V section under the frame. Took longer to move bike away from my bench and get tools out than removing the plate.
Whats up hawk owners, I did some upgrading to the store, when you go to Hawk250.com/shop/ and click on any of the products. On the top you will see the Amazon price and if its in stock. On the bottom you will see the eBay prices and if its in stock. Just compare the amazon and ebay item to make sure its the same one and you are set, once in a while ebay puts in a item that might be different, so it just helps to double check. Here is a quick video I made showing how to find the eBay and Amazon Links
Calling all Hawk 250 dual sport bike owners to help compile a list of all aftermarket parts that we can use on the hawk 250. I will go over the list and setup a database that people can easily search and see what will work on their hawk 250 rps enduro.
I’m going over my comments on the websites and what people are searching for. Below are some stuff people are emailing me about but I haven’t replaced these on my bike yet or I’m looking for different options.
If you guys know a product on amazon or ebay that will fit with the hawk with the list below. Please only list items you have confirmed work on your hawk, I would hate to give people wrong info.
I will try to purchase as many as I can afford for my hawk so I can confirm it all works and post on my blog.
Stuff people are looking for the hawk,
1. Skid Plate
2. Inner Tubes
3. Tail light housing
4. Rims ( it seems buying the stock ones is a pain in the ass, seeing if there are other options)
5. Battery Options
6. Handlebars
7. Front Forks
8. Rear Wheel Shaft
9. Front Brakes
10. Back Brakes.
11. LED Bulb or Kit
12. Sub hub assembly
13. Gas Gauge
14. Rear Caliper
15. Blinkers
16. Hand Grips
17. Levers
18. Back Shock Hawk 250
19. Wheel Bearings
20. Front brake Reservoir
21. Gasket Kits
22. Front Sprocket Cover
23. Key Emission
24. Spark Plug Wire
25. Air Filter
26. Swing Arm Bushings
27. Mirror Bracket
28. Kickstand ( this has been searched like 60 times lol, guess people are losing their kickstands)
29. Chain Options ( I’m using the 428 130Link o-ring chain, I want to see what others will fit)
30. Foot Pegs
31. Brake Lines
32. Bolt Kits ( people have searched the different sizes for the hawks, if anyone has all the MM sizes so I can find some bolt kits)
33. ignition Switches
These are the most searched items on my website. I would really like to gather as much info as I can and add it to the website for people to easily find.
It will be nice to have a list of parts we can quickly order for the hawks. I know it can be a pain to get the stock parts sometimes.
Thanks for your help and input guys. You can leave a comment on this post or you can email me.
Hawk 250 Upgrades
My hawk 250 is around the 4000 mile range and it’s still running strong. I haven’t had any major issues with it. This bike does require a bit more upkeep so you don’t break down. So I only recommend these bikes to people who like working with their hands and getting them dirty.
Here are some links to the hawk 250 upgrades I did on my bike.
My buddies hawk 250 one day stopped working, he is around 3500 miles. The hawk 250 turned on for a few minutes and then shut off. He was moving at this time and the hawk sat for almost 4 months before we had a chance to look at it.
We did the “quick” troubleshoot method lol. We swapped out the quick parts from my working hawk and he still didn’t have any spark. We watched some videos on checking stators and magneto switches and found it was bad. We got a new stator from therps.net website for $50 but now they have changed their prices and it costs more, not cool.
Here is the video we recorded while changing the stator out. It was fairly easy to remove the cover and get to the stator to replace it. You just need to make sure to take pictures of everything before you take it apart, its always good to be able to look at the picture and make sure you put it back together correctly. The mind can easily forget or confuse you lol.
Here are some pictures of the new stator we got and the old stator.
Getting the red hawk 250 ready for operation.
It’s very easy to get to the stator. You need to make sure to remove the small cover on the electric start. There is one more bolt behind the gears that are holding the stator cover in.
The below is the old stator. Make sure to take notes on how its installed and put the old stator and magneto switch back the same way. You want to make sure you don’t pinch the wires. Pay attention to how the stock one was set in there and do the same with the new stator and switch.
You will need to remove the wires from the plug before you will be able to remove the hawk 250 stator from the cover box. I used a flat head screwdriver to push the tabs and push the wire out. Remember to take a picture or write down the order the wires go into the plug. You need to make sure they are put back in the same order.
The red hawk 250 owner making sure she clean and everything looks good before we put the cover and new stator back on.
Once we got everything closed up. It took a while to get the hawk 250 started since it was sitting for a while. We replaced the gas, we cleaned the carb and put in a new spark plug but she still took a few kicks before she started. The battery was pretty much dead and we didn’t have a charger. I was kicking too fast and my leg slipped and hit the foot peg an this is the damage below. Excuse the white hairy legs lol.
This is a few days later. Looks really bad but it doesn’t hurt and by now its healed up more.
If you have any questions about this post, please feel free to contact me. I’m no expect mechanic but I will do my best to help you out if you have any questions on how I did it.
If you want to see all the hawk 250 upgrades I did on my bike, click here to read the post on the hawk 250 performance upgrades.
In this post I’m going to list some of the hawk 250 rps performance upgrades I have done to my bike. I think these are must have items for anyone who wants to get the most out of their Hawk 250 and of course more speed is always better =).
You can click on each image and you will be taken to that product page on our website to make the purchase. You can Hawk 250 Shop to visit our Hawk 250 Shop and find them that way also and other parts and accessories for the Hawk 250 RPS dirt bike.
(Sometimes Amazon runs out of stock on these parts, click here to visit my hawk 250 eBay links if you see amazon is out of stock)
My Top Hawk 250 RPS Performance Upgrades
I have replaced both of my sprockets to the 17Th for the front and 45th for the rear. Using these 2 sprocket sizes you will not need to cut the chain or do any work on it, it comes off quickly and goes back on the same way. Quick and easy change, it will give you more speed right away.
This is the new O-Ring chain I got for my Hawk 250 RPS, this chain is 100% better than the stock one that comes with the bike and it’s a quick change. There is no need to cut the chain if you are using the stock sprockets or the ones shown above.
I’m loving this exhaust so far, it sounds a lot meaner and it does give you extra power. I have noticed a increase in speed right away after changing the exhaust. It isn’t that difficult to replace if you have some mechanical experience and are handy with tools, you should be fine. There are videos on how to install it on YouTube done by MotoCheeze and I have also uploaded some images on a recent post on how the exhaust looks and runs on the Hawk 250 RPS dirt bike.
Hawk 250 RPS Performance Upgrades
This is the MIKUNI VM26 Carburetor that I have purchased for my Hawk 250 RPS, I don’t really notice much difference from the stock one but I would assume it’s better and I had a extra amazon gift card so I decided to go with a new carb when I purchased the jets. Changing the Carb is pretty simple task to do and I have posted some images on a recent post showing how you can tune your stock Carburetor by drilling out the lockout tabs and getting to the adjustment screws on the hawk 250stock Carburetor.
The following jets bundle I purchased from Amazon and they sell pretty fast on amazon. If they are out of stock, you should be able to find them on eBay also but I’m not sure what their current price on ebay is, I got them from Amazon for about $11 with shipping.
The gloves below aren’t going to give you any extra power on the hawk but they sure look cool and I’m loving the steel knuckles.
I have also upgraded my stock hawk 250 cluster and got a digital one with the RPM guage and gear indicator which is super cool. The stock cluster after a few rides will start giving you the wrong speed, it will say you are doing 70-80MPH but in reality you are going like 50-55. I highly recommend people upgrading their cluster.
These are the current upgrades I have on my Hawk 250 RPS dirt bike. I don’t have any mechanic experience working with bikes and I found all of these upgrades pretty easy to do. If you are able to use hand tools and some basic mechanical skills then you shouldn’t have any issues doing these upgrades on your hawk 250 dirt bike. I have learned a lot about dirt bikes and how everything works by working on my Hawk 250 and I get joy from working on the bike and always taking it apart and putting it back together to see how it all works and the most important thing is to always check your bolts and screws, they do get loose from all of the vibration.
If you have any questions about these items or my post on Hawk 250 RPS Performance Upgrades, feel free to contact me. If they are out of stock, I will try to find another website that sells the same item and I will do my best to help you out.
I get emails a lot asking me where can I find Hawk 250 parts. I currently know 2 websites that sells Hawk 250 stock replacement parts. I have nothing to do with these websites, I can’t track the orders. If you have any issues about these websites or know any other websites where can I find hawk 250 parts, then please let me know and I will update this page.
Where Can I Find Hawk 250 Parts – TXPowerSports.com
You just need to go to their website and on the top search “Hawk 250 Parts“. You can click this link (it will open in a new window) it should take you to the search page on TX Power Sports for all the hawk 250 parts they have. I would first call them or email them to see exactly how long it will take for you to get the item or if they have it in stock. I have nothing to do with the parts for sale on their website or will I be able to do anything with your orders. This is just a website I purchased my Hawk 250 from and they have been good every time I have used them. I’m making this post so if you guys are looking for stock parts then you can contact them and see what they can do for you.
Where Can I Find Hawk 250 Parts – Therps.net
I think these are the guys who are importing these hawk 250 bikes and distributing them but I’m not 100% sure. The website is very hard to navigate and find stuff. I have emailed them several times to offer my free time to build them a website, help them with a new shopping cart so people can actually find the hawk 250 parts but it doesn’t seem they are interested.
I really love the hawk 250 dual sport bike, I would recommend one to anyone interested in dual sporting and looking for a cheap way to get in it. The hawk 250 has a lot of potential but it does seem like the company behind this brand isn’t in it 100%. The first thing you would want to do is make sure your website is easy to find, that it clearly gives information about the bike and makes it easy for people to contact you. Right now the website looks like its from the 80S and finding the hawk 250 replacement parts is a nightmare.
What I would recommend with THERPS.net is to just call them right away and ask for the part you need and see how long it will take to ship.
If you go to their website, you first need to click on Bikers and then on the Hawk 250 dual sport link and then click on the Hawk 250 Parts.
If you just click the link below that shows PARTS, it will give you no parts lol. You need to actually go click on the bike you want first and then click parts for the hawk 250.
If you would like to see the hawk 250 performance upgrades I did on my hawk 250 dual sport, then checkout some of the links below.
Where to buy Hawk 250
Order Hawk 250
Buying Hawk 250
Hawk 250 Discount
Hawk 250 Dual Sport Discount Code
Hawk 250
TX Power Sports
TX Power Sports Discount
TX Power Sport Coupon
On June 19th 2018, the girlfriend and I went for a nice long ride around the Catskills NY historic towns, we did about 75 miles in about an hour and half of straight riding.
I couldn’t be more happier with my hawk 250 dual sport, the girlfriend and I must have done over 1000 miles of riding together. We haven’t had any real serious issues other than that one time when we got a flat due to one of the spokes cracking and puncturing the tire. I’m coming close to 5000 miles on my bike and no serious issues with the engine or any expensive parts. Only thing I have been replacing is silly stuff I have been breaking like bolts, mirrors, sprocket covers and other small stuff.
Hawk 250 Full 75 Mile Ride With Girl YouTube Video
My hawks battery is still dead and the kickstarter is acting up, so I didn’t shut the hawk off at all during the 75 mile ride and she did great.
I had some issues the day before and it was all due to a loose exhaust header connection, I got lazy with checking the bolts and I learned my lesson. Thanks again to MotoCheez for the quick suggestion.
The video below is only 4 mins, something happened with the rendering of the video. I will re-upload the full raw video for anyone that wants proof of what the hawk can do =), as you will see in the video I think I only stopped at 1 light and a handful of stop signs, it was nothing but riding and mostly in 4th gear doing 45 to 55 with my girl on the back.
Hawk 250 Dual Sport Riding with Girlfriend 75 Miles – 4 Minute Messed up video
I would recommend any hawk 250 owner to get this hawk 250 aftermarket exhaust for their bike. When it comes to the hawk 250 any extra power is a good thing and this exhaust sounds much meaner and you will notice a difference right away when you go for your first ride. It was a really quick swap from the stock exhaust to the new aftermarket hawk 250 exhaust. The only issue is that the flange bolt holes on the new exhaust are too small and not aligned the same as the stock hawk 250 exhaust. Using the correct drill bit will make your install much quicker and less painful.
Color: Titanium
Price for a complete muffler exhaust system.
Price for a complete muffler exhaust system.
Pipe is made of 304 Stainless steel material,Muffler is Made of 6061-T6 Aluminum
Installation accessories and hardware as pictures are included.
Easy to install.
Click on any of the images below to buy the hawk 250 exhaust from amazon. If you use my link below to purchase it from amazon, I will get a small commission from your purchase, it helps keep the website going and getting parts for my hawks. I appreciate you using my links and if you have any questions about this exhaust, email me and I will do my best to help you out.
Here are some pictures from my install of the hawk 250 aftermarket exhaust. If you purchase this exhaust for your hawk 250 enduro dirt bike, please post a comment below and let me know how its working for you. I would also recommend swapping out your hawk 250 carburetor and replacing your jets with a 110 or 115 jet for your hawk 250, click here to read my post on the Mikuni hawk 250 carburetor. If you have over 1000 miles on your hawk 250, then you should also be checking your valves and making sure they are set correctly. You can find a video done by MotoCheez on how to check your valves, I have posted his guide on this website.
You see below how I got the holes drilled out on the flange that connects to the hawk 250 header. It wasn’t pretty but it got the job done. I’m sure there are better ways to do it. I’m not a mechanic, I just make it happen the best way I can lol.
My hawk 250 upgrades, I have new sprockets, carb with new jets, new hawk 250 exhaust, new chain and digital cluster. If you are looking to buy the upgrades I have, you can purchase them from my shop, click here for hawk 250 upgrades