Hawk 250 Review Dual Sport Bike from Derek

Hawk 250 Review Dual Sport Bike from Derek

This hawk 250 review was sent to me from Derek and he sent some very nice looking pictures of the green machine. He purchased his website from TX Power Sports, the same website I got my hawk 250 from. I was able to get a small discount code to use on their website. If you want to buy the hawk 250, click here  (new window will open) to go to their website and enter the discount code HA250C on the checkout to claim the $25 discount.

hawk 250 review

I got my hawk 250 just over a year ago . I have 800 miles on it

Hawk 250 Review Mods:

Blue tooth radio
Unbreakable levers
Led headlight
Upgraded chain
Added foam between headlight and gauges to stop vibrations
Air box mod
Chain guide mod

Hawk 250 Review:

I got my bike from txpowersports it was a great experience. The bike did show up with some scratching in the case but I just touched it up with black auto paint. One problem I had out of the box was the chain constantly stretched. It was impossible to keep adjusted so I replaced it.
My review of the bike is you will never find a better value. As a all around bike it is very comparable to a Honda crf250L but it’s over 3000$ cheaper. As long as you have patients and like working on your bike a little you will love it.

More Pictures of Derek’s Green Hawk 250 Dual Sport

hawk 250 review

This is how you will get your hawk 250 when you order it online.hawk 250 review hawk 250 review

End of Derek’s Hawk 250 Review

If you have any questions about this post, please feel free to contact me. I’m no expect mechanic but I will do my best to help you out if you have any questions on how I did it.

Here are some other Hawk 250 upgrades I have done on my hawk 250 dual sport. Each link below will open in a new window. you can click here to visit my hawk 250 shop and add all of the items to your cart and checkout to amazon. If you click any of my amazon links on the website and buy something within 24hours then I will get a small commission from amazon and I appreciate your support and for using my links.

If I can help you with any of these upgrades or questions you might have about the hawk 250, please email me or contact me on my social media accounts.

Hawk 250 Sprockets 45th Rear

Hawk 250 Sprocket 17th Front

RK Racing Hawk 250 Chain 428SO-130 (No need to cut links if you have the 45th and 17th combo sprockets)

MIKUNI VM26 Carburetor 30MM for the Hawk 250

Wings Mikuni Carburetor Jets

Full Exhaust Muffler System Upgrade Slip on for Hawk 250

Hawk 250 Burrito Tube Canister

MSR Black Steel Shift Lever Hawk 250



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