Tag Archives: dirt bike

First Hawk 250 Ride This Season

It was a beautiful Sunday day in the Catskills. I decided to check on the hawk 250 to she if she will start up. Last time I turned it on was on Feb but didn’t really ride it, just changed the oil.

The hawk battery was dead but I was able to get it started with the kickstarter in about 2 and half minutes. Check the video on my hawk_250 instagram account.

I had to fill up the air in the tires and do a quick maintenance before the ride.I took a nice 20 mile ride around the Catskills and froze my ass off lol. It was about 40 but with the wind it felt like 20s and I only had a light jacket and jeans. But it was still fun riding the hawk 250 on the open roads.

The roads were full of sand from all the dumping the trucks did during the winter and I could feel the hawk wanting to slip and slide lol

That’s the only update for today. Checkout some pictures from today’s playtime with the hawk 250 dual sport.

Some rice and beans after the ride. Then I gave hawk 250 a quick rinse to get the salt and sand off.

The above image show my JBWeld on the gas tank valve. It started leaking last summer and I didn’t have a welder so this seems to be working. Not a deal breaker for me, I still love my hawk 250.

Just Got My New Exhaust for The Hawk 250

I ordered a new exhaust from eBay on the 19th and I just got it delivered this morning by DHL, that was super fast shipping from China. If you are interested in seeing all of the upgrades I did for my Hawk 250 RPS including the exhaust,.
Hawk 250 Aftermarket Exhaust

You will need the make the holes bigger on the bracket. The bolts on the hawk are too far apart to fit thru the holes on he bracket. I recommend using at least a 1/2in or bigger drill bit that is for stainless steel/hard steel. I used a 3/8 drill bit and it was a pain.

Hawk 250 Upgraded Exhaust
Here are some pictures of the finished product. I will be posting a new article with more images of the install.

Hawk 250 Aftermarket ExhaustNew Exhaust for Hawk 250Extra Power Hawk 250 Exhaust
Short video after the install.

Back Yard Fun During Gazebo Build

Whats up hawk 250 familia, just a quick post on some new YouTube videos I uploaded from todays quick session on the hawk 250 while working in my backyard.

Once I clean it all up, I will mount my action camera and get some proper videos of the hawk ripping up some dirt. If you like the videos and would like to help, please LIKE and Share. I’m trying to hit that 1000 subscribers, YouTube cut my pennies since I only have 500+ subscribers.

And Second Video from the same day of the hawk 250 in action. The below video is a quick ride with my girl on the back and she wanted to get off real quick haha.

In case you missed some of these other recent videos I uploaded on Hawk 250 YouTube.

This video below is a good one, recently I made it so you can see the eBay and Amazon prices for the hawk 250 parts and upgrades for sale. When you click on any product in the Hawk 250 Shop, on the top you will see the Amazon item and under it you will see the eBay price.

Cruising With The Hawk 250 RPS Dirt Bikes

What a beautiful day in the Hudson Valley this Sunday morning. My buddy and I have been riding since 830am and just stopped by his house for a small break and then back on the road. We did over 70 miles so far today and still got more to go.
We went to the SAMs point state park trail and got kicked out right away lol. We just told the guy to take it easy, we just getting some pictures.

Some pictures of SAMs point below.
Red Hawk 250 RPS2 Hawk 250 RPS Bikes

The Hawks are running great and great deal for the price. My buddy and I have new carb, sprockets, chain. We are able to get it to 60  65 without any issues.
Check my store out for hawk 250 RPS upgrades that you can buy for your hawk 250 dirt bike.

Help Compile Hawk 250 Replacement & Aftermarket Parts List

Calling all Hawk 250 dual sport bike owners to help compile a list of all aftermarket parts that we can use on the hawk 250. I will go over the list and setup a database that people can easily search and see what will work on their hawk 250 rps enduro.
hawk 250
I’m going over my comments on the websites and what people are searching for. Below are some stuff people are emailing me about but I haven’t replaced these on my bike yet or I’m looking for different options.
If you guys know a product on amazon or ebay that will fit with the hawk with the list below. Please only list items you have confirmed work on your hawk, I would hate to give people wrong info.
I will try to purchase as many as I can afford for my hawk so I can confirm it all works and post on my blog.
Stuff people are looking for the hawk,
1. Skid Plate
2. Inner Tubes
3. Tail light housing
4. Rims ( it seems buying the stock ones is a pain in the ass, seeing if there are other options)
5. Battery Options
6. Handlebars
7. Front Forks
8. Rear Wheel Shaft
9. Front Brakes
10. Back Brakes.
11. LED Bulb or Kit
12. Sub hub assembly
13. Gas Gauge
14. Rear Caliper
15. Blinkers
16. Hand Grips
17. Levers
18. Back Shock Hawk 250
19. Wheel Bearings
20. Front brake Reservoir
21. Gasket Kits
22. Front Sprocket Cover
23. Key Emission
24. Spark Plug Wire
25. Air Filter
26. Swing Arm Bushings
27. Mirror Bracket
28. Kickstand ( this has been searched like 60 times lol, guess people are losing their kickstands)
29. Chain Options ( I’m using the 428 130Link o-ring chain, I want to see what others will fit)
30. Foot Pegs
31. Brake Lines
32. Bolt Kits ( people have searched the different sizes for the hawks, if anyone has all the MM sizes so I can find some bolt kits)
33. ignition Switches
These are the most searched items on my website. I would really like to gather as much info as I can and add it to the website for people to easily find.
It will be nice to have a list of parts we can quickly order for the hawks. I know it can be a pain to get the stock parts sometimes.
Thanks for your help and input guys. You can leave a comment on this post or you can email me.

Hawk 250 Upgrades

My hawk 250 is around the 4000 mile range and it’s still running strong.  I haven’t had any major issues with it. This bike does require a bit more upkeep so you don’t break down. So I only recommend these bikes to people who like working with their hands and getting them dirty.


Here are some links to the hawk 250 upgrades I did on my bike.

My Hawk 250 Performance Upgrades https://hawk250.com/hawk-250-rps-performance-upgrades/

Hawk 250 eBay Upgrade Links https://hawk250.com/hawk-250-upgrades-ebay/

Thank you for reading this and I hope it has helped you purchase your hawk 250 rps bike.

Morning Ride with 2 Hawk 250s and a Suzuki DRZ4000 Bikes

Great day riding today with Bek and MotoMania_420. Moto hooked us up and changed our cheap spark plugs. Started riding around 1030am. 

Took a ride to a motorcycle dealer ship for some oil for the Suzuki DRZ400. We checked out some motorcycles way out of our budget. The Honda dealer ship was impressed with the hawk 250 RPS dirt bikes and was interested in importing them and parts, that would be nice. 

Getting some of that super fuel. Motomania_420 flexing them muscles. 

While Moto changes his oil on the Suzuki DRZ400,  Bek and I getting some cheeseburgers. 

Then we got some milkshakes from the Mobil gas station. The cookies and cream is the one I usually go for. 

Went back to MotoMania_420 house and he saw the milkshakes and we had to come back and get him one. 

After destroying the milkshakes, we hit up route 52 and pulled over by the overlook by SAMs point. 

Moto getting some hotdogs. 

The hawk 250 and Suzuki DRZ400 make a nice couple. 

Bek had to go home to do some laundry, so MotoMania_420 and I hit some rocky downhill trails and my damn battery died on the camera and I missed some good footage. I was able to get a picture instead of the hawk 250 RPS and Suzuki DRZ400 with a beautiful scenic background. 

Riding The Hawks 250 With MotoCheez

Finally got to meet up with MotoCheez and do some riding in his hood. We got some breakfast and then hit the road.

Bek texting his girlfriend.

After breakfast we hit up some dirt and gravel trails that had death traps all around but it was super fun ripping the Hawk 250 and seeing what they can do.

MotoCheez should have a video uploaded soon and it should be a good one, including me failing to get up a hill and having to do a redo lol.

We also got to meet Vee, another fellow hawk rider and did some more cruising until we had to leave. We had 4 Hawks 250 Dirt bikes on the road and took over the gas station. Hopefully we can add a few more hawk 250 riders next time we go out.

4 Hawk 250 Dirt Bikes at Fast StationHawk 250 Dirt Bikes
Some more pictures from the ride with the hawk RPS 250 Enduro style dirt bikes.

Hawk RPS 250 Dirt BikeDirt Bike Hawk 250 RPSHawk 250 and KittyHawk 250 and Honda Dirt BikesRed Hawk 250 RPS Dirt BikeRed, Black and Black Hawk 250 Rps3 Hawk 250 Dirt Bikes Under Bridge

If you want to see the upgraded parts on my hawk 250, hawk 250 upgrades to see my post

Replacing Swing-Arm Bolt on Hawk 250 and Short Ride After

A week ago I was doing some work on my hawk 250 and I noticed something didn’t look right with bolt holding up the hawk 250 swing-arm. The bolt was missing the bolt head, it looks like it just snapped off while I was riding. See image blow. That is the swing arm bolt for the hawk 250.

Hawk 250 Swing Arm BoltI have no idea how this happened but I might have I tightened the bolt too much and from all the vibrations the hawk 250 makes, it caused the head of the bolt to break off.  I was able to purchase a new bolt with the washers and nut from Ricky Sports RPS website, it was $20 with shipping.

Replacing the swing arm bolt was fairly quick. As I pulled out the old bolt, I pushed the new one in. Took about 3 minutes to swap out.

Hawk 250

It was time to take the hawk 250 dual sport out for a cruise with the old lady to get some food. It was a beautiful sunny day in the Catskills for a ride on a motorcycle. Rock Hill Pizza is good spot for some fresh pizza or sandwiches.

Hawk 250Hawk 250

We both had the spicy chicken cutlet sandwich and then hit the road again on the hawk 250 for a nice ride thru the Catskills.

Some random images of the hawk 250 from today’s ride with the girlfriend.

I think the girlfriend needs some better gear than wearing my large hoodie and a new helmet would be nice

Hawk 250Hawk 250
We did spot a owl while riding, the girlfriend noticed it and started screaming and I had no idea what was going on, gave me a scare lol.

Hawk 250 OwlOwl
We just took random roads to get lost on the hawk 250 and had to make stops for some more photos 🙂 to show off the hawk 250 dual sport bike.

Hawk 250Black Hawk 250Hawk 250Hawk 250Hawk 250 Dual SportHawk 250 RPS
I always make sure to fill up some gas at the end of every ride so she is ready for the next ride.
Hawk 250

I think it’s time for some new tires for my hawk 250. These tires have mostly been riding on the street and they lasted about 2600 miles. I can’t decide on what new tires to get so I might just get the stock hawk 250 tires again. I saw they are $50 each on TheRPS website. I mostly ride street and I think it would be smarter to get a different set of tires but I don’t want to lose the option of hitting up the trails.

Total miles for this ride was almost 50 miles. It was nice to get back on the road, it took about a week and half for me to get the part ordered and delivered to my house.

Hawk 250 Cluster

Total miles on the hawk 250 aftermarket cluster. I had around 1200 miles on the stock hawk 250 cluster. I’m loving the new cluster, it looks so good!

Hawk 250

End of the ride picture, it was a short but relaxing ride. I’m loving the Hawk 250 so far, no major issues, just some bolts and nuts which are easy to replace. Make sure to always go over your bike and do routine maintenance to make sure nothing is missing or broken off. That is how I found the cracked bolt head on my swing arm.

15 Mile Ride with the Hawk 250 to get Some Milk & Eggs

The old lady woke up this morning and needed her eggs for breakfast. It was a beautiful morning so I jumped on the hawk 250 for a 15 mile round trip to the gas station.

Last time I posted on the blog about getting some milk I didn’t take any pictures. I was too lazy to pull over and take it out of the school bag. This time I pulled over and took some pictures of the hawk 250 RPS dirt bike with the eggs and milk.

It was a great 15 mile ride with the hawk 250 and a great way to wake up and start the morning. I have about 2500 miles on the hawk and it’s still running strong.

Installing Spoke Skins Guide and Video

Whats up fellow hawk 250 owners and future ones (what are you waiting for!). Today in the mail I got my new hawk 250 spoke skins I ordered from the hawk 250 shop, under the Spoke Skins category. I was excited to get started on these but first I had to take a quick nap to relax the mind haha. After the 2 hour nap, I was ready to get to work.

I would deff recommend doing these during the day when its sunny out and you can let the skins sit in the sun to warm up and loosen up. It was a pain to work with them in the cold. My poor fingers are still feeling it as I type this post. I also recommend cleaning the rim, it will make things a lot smoother as you will see in the video below. The front rim went a lot quicker compared to the back rim because it was cleaner.

In the video you will see me starting to clean the rear rim but the I got lazy and skipped it lol, but it gave me a headache of a time installing the rear ones. I’m sure if they sat in the sun a bit, it would have been easier.

Installing Hawk 250 Spoke Skins Video

Where you Buy Hawk 250 Spoke Skins?

Very simple and affordable to purchase these upgrades for your hawk 250. Click here to visit the hawk 250 shop, it will link directly to the Spoke Skins Category. You will be taken to the page below. Click on any of the ones you want to see. On the product page, you will see Amazon and eBay prices for the same items. Once you go to Amazons or eBays page, you will see the different color options they have for your hawk 260 spoke skin upgrade. Thank you again for the support and using my amazon and ebay affiliate links to purchase your upgrades, I really appreciate it.

Hawk 250 Spoke Covers

Hawk 250 Pictures from Installing Spoke Covers

Some quick images from the install of the hawk 250 spoke skin cover protectors. This was a fun little project to do in the garage and it didn’t cost me a fortune. I really like the way it came out, I still need to tweak a little to make it a snug tight fit but we are almost there. Tomorrow I will finish this off.

hawk_250_spokes_skin_installhawk_250 spokes skin installhawk_250 spokes skin installhawk_250 spokes skin installhawk_250_spokes_skin_installhawk_250 spokes skin installhawk_250 spokes skin installhawk_250 spokes skin install